- AUHost - Application which hosts AudioUnits v3 using AVFoundation API.
- Aural Player - Aural Player is a free and open source audio player application for the macOS platform. Inspired by the classic Winamp player for Windows, it is designed to be to-the-point and easy to use.
- Background Music - Background Music, a macOS audio utility: automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes and record system audio.
- CAM - macOS camera recording using ffmpeg
- Cog - Free and Open Source Audio Player for macOS.
- fre:ac - The fre:ac audio converter project.
- jmc - jmc - new macOS media organizer.
- iTunes-Volume-Control - This app allows you to control the iTunes volume using volume up and volume down hotkeys.
- LocalRadio - LocalRadio is software for listening to "Software-Defined Radio" on your Mac and mobile devices.
- Lyricism - macOS app to show you lyric what currently iTunes or Spotify is playing.
- Lyrics - Swift-based iTunes plug-in to display lyrics on the desktop.
- LyricsX - Lyrics for iTunes, Spotify and Vox.
- Mous Player - Simple yet powerful audio player for BSD/Linux/macOS.
- Muse - Open source Spotify controller with TouchBar support.
- SBPlayer - SBPlayer is a beautiful and powerful media player base on VLCKit.
- ShazamScrobbler - Scrobble vinyl, radios, movies to Last.fm.
- Sonora - Minimal, beautifully designed music player for OS X.
- SpotMenu - Spotify and iTunes in your menu bar.
- SpotSpot - Spotify mini-player for macOS.
- Suohai - Audio input/output source lock for macOS.
- Tickeys - Instant audio feedback for typing. macOS version.
- [Un]MuteMic - macOS app to mute & unmute the input volume of your microphone. Perfect for podcasters.
- waveSDR - macOS native desktop Software Defined Radio application using the RTL-SDR USB device.
- Mackup - Keep your application settings in sync (OS X/Linux).
- shallow-backup - Easily create lightweight documentation of installed applications, dotfiles, and more.
- UrBackup - UrBackup - Client/Server Open Source Network Backup for Windows, macOS and Linux.
- Beaker Browser - Beaker is an experimental peer-to-peer Web browser.
- Brave Browser - Brave browser for Desktop and Laptop computers running Windows, OSX, and Linux.
- browserosaurus - macOS tool that prompts you to choose a browser when opening a link.
- Helium - Floating browser window for OS X.
- Finicky - Always opens the right browser.
- Firefox - Current Firefox and Gecko development
- Kaktus Browser - Experimental web browser with minimalistic design. Running Windows, OSX and Linux.
- otter-browser - Otter Browser aims to recreate the best aspects of the classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5.
- seb-mac - Safe Exam Browser for macOS and iOS.
- ChitChat - Native Mac app wrapper for WhatsApp Web.
- Electronic WeChat - Better WeChat on macOS and Linux.
- Franz - Franz is a free messaging app for services like WhatsApp, Slack, Messenger and many more.
- Google Allo for Desktop - Native OS X & Windows desktop app for Google Allo.
- GroupMe - Unofficial GroupMe App.
- Riot.im - Riot.im is a collaboration app (currently Electron) for the Matrix protocol.
- Signal Desktop - Electron app that links with your Signal Android or Signal iOS app.
- Messenger - macOS app wrapping Facebook's Messenger for desktop.
- Telegram - Source code of Telegram for macOS on Swift.
- Telegram [Deprecated] - Source code of deprecated Telegram for macOS version.
- Telegram Desktop - Telegram Desktop messaging app.
- Textual - Textual is an IRC client for OS X.
- Torchat-Mac - TorChat for Mac is a macOS native and unofficial port of torchat.
- WhatsAppBar - Send WhatsApp message from menu bar.
- Wire Desktop - Standalone Electron app for the chatapp Wire.
- AddressGenerator - macOS app to safely generate cryptocurrency address.
- Balance Open - App for all the world’s currencies.
- CoinBar - macOS menu bar application for tracking crypto coin prices.
- Crypto Bar - macOS menu bar application built with Electron.
- Float coin - Native menu bar app with floating window and support for many Exchanges.
- DB Browser for SQLite - SQLite database management GUI.
- mongoDB.app - The easiest way to get started with mongoDB on the Mac.
- Postbird - Open source PostgreSQL GUI client for macOS.
- Postgres.app - The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on the Mac.
- Redis.app - The easiest way to get started with Redis on the Mac.
- Sequel Pro - MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS.
- Cashew - Cashew macOS Github Issue Tracker.
- Gitee - Gitee, OS X status bar application for Github.
- Github contributions - GitHub contributions app, for iOS, WatchOS, and OSX.
- GitHub Desktop - Simple collaboration from your desktop.
- GithubListener - Simple app that will notify about new commits to watched repositories.
- GithubNotify - Simple macOS app to alert you when you have unread GitHub notifications.
- GitSync - Minimalistic Git client for Mac.
- GitUp - The Git interface you've been missing all your life has finally arrived.
- GitX - Graphical client for the git version control system.
- GPM - macOS application for easily operating GitHub Projects.
- MessagesHistoryBrowser - macOS/OSX app to comfortably browse and search through your Messages.app history.
- Streaker - GitHub contribution streak tracking menubar app.
- TeamStatus-for-GitHub - macOS status bar application for tracking code review process within the team.
- Xit - Xit is a graphical tool for working with git repositories.
iOS / macOS
- Alloy - Simple toolkit that makes your iOS / OS X apps development more easier.
- AppBox - Tool for iOS developers to build and deploy Development, Ad-Hoc and In-house (Enterprise) applications directly to the devices from your Dropbox account.
- AppIcons - Tool for generating icons in all sizes as required by macOS and iOS apps.
- AppleTrace - Trace tool for iOS/macOS.
- AppStoreReviewTimes - iOS open source project for the great site that gives you indication about the average iOS / macOS app stores review times.
- Asset Catalog Tinkerer - App that lets you open .car files and browse/extract their images.
- Assets - Assets is a macOS app that manages assets for your development projects (Xcode, web, etc).
- Attabench - Attabench is a microbenchmarking app for macOS, designed to measure and visualize the performance of Swift code.
- Board For GitHub - Small application to monitor your GitHub project web page in a native macOS app
- Brisk - macOS app for submitting radars.
- calabash-launcher - iOS Calabash Launcher is a macOS app that helps you run and manage Calabash tests on your Mac.
- Cleaner for Xcode - Cleaner for Xcode.app built with react-native-macOS.
- CocoaRestClient - Free, native Apple macOS app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints.
- FilterShop - macOS App to explore CoreImage Filters.
- IconGenerator - macOS app to generate app icons.
- Iconizer - Create Xcode image catalogs (xcassets) on the fly.
- Icons.app - App for macOS which is designed to generate consistent sized icons of an existing application in various states, jiggling (shaking) etc.
- iOS Images Extractor - iOS Images Extractor is a Mac app to normalize , decode and extract images from iOS apps.
- iSimulator - iSimulator is a GUI utility to control the Simulator and manage the app installed on the simulator.
- iSimulator - iSimulator,iOS Simulator Sandbox,like simpholders,a macOS app to find simulator's sandbox and go.
- Knuff - The debug application for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs).
- LayerX - Intuitive app to display transparent images on screen.
- Localizable.strings - Mac app to localize your iOS and macOS projects.
- Localizations - Localizations is an OS X app that manages your Xcode project localization files (.strings).
- Menubar Colors - macOS app for convenient access to the system color panel.
- MyTouchbarMyRules - App to customize your Touch Bar as you want.
- PodsUpdater - macOS app which helps you manage dependency releases in your Podfile.
- ProfilesManager - Apple iOS/macOS Provisioning Profiles management,.provisionprofile, .mobileprovision files manager tool for mac.
- PushNotitication - macOS app to test push notifications on iOS and Android.
- ResignTool - This is an app for macOS that can (re)sign apps and bundle them into ipa files that are ready to be installed on an iOS device.
- SmartPush - iOS Push Notification Debug App.
- Touch Bar Preview - Small open source app to display your designs on the Touch Bar of the new MacBook Pro.
- Touch Bar Simulator - Use the Touch Bar on any Mac.
- TransporterPad - iOS/Android app deployment tool for macOS.
- WWDC - Unofficial WWDC app for macOS.
- WWDC.srt - Powerful app for downloading subtitle for each WWDC session video since 2013 in (srt) format.
- xib2Storyboard - Tool to convert Xcode .xib to .storyboard files.
JSON Parsing
- j2s - macOS app to convert JSON objects into Swift structs (currently targets Swift 4 and Codable).
- JSON Mapper - Simple macOS app to generate Swift Object Mapper classes from JSON.
- JSONExport - Desktop application for macOS which enables you to export JSON objects as model classes with their associated constructors, utility methods, setters and getters in your favorite language.
Web development
- aws-s3-uploader - Simple macOS app for uploading files to Amazon Web Services.
- Corectl App for macOS - Corectl App is a macOS Status bar App which works like a wrapper around the corectl command line tool corectld to control the server runtime process.
- CoreOS VM - CoreOS VM is macOS status bar app which allows in an easy way to control CoreOS VM on your Mac.
- Insomnia - Insomnia is a cross-platform REST client, built on top of Electron.
- iTunesConnect - macOS app to let you access iTunesConnect.
- KubeMonitor - KubeMonitor is a macOS app that displays information about your active Kubernetes cluster in your menu bar.
- Lantern - Dedicated Mac app for website auditing and crawling.
- LocalSites - Simple Menu Bar (Status Bar) App for macOS listing local Bonjour websites (as Safari 11 no longer has Bonjour Bookmarks).
- Mockup Generator - Mockup Generator is a macOS app built with AngularJS/Electron that sits in your menu bar allowing you to capture screenshots of your favourite websites and wrap them in device mock-ups.
- ndm - The Open Source npm desktop GUI.
- nodeScratchpad - Evaluate Nodejs/JS code snippets from Menubar.
- Now Desktop - Create deployments right from the tray menu.
- stts - macOS app for monitoring the status of cloud services.
- macho-browser - Browser for macOS Mach-O binaries.
- vegvisir - Browser based GUI for LLDB Debugger.
- App Downloader - Easily search and download macOS apps from the huge
homebrew cask
app catalog. - Get It - Native macOS video/audio downloader. Think of it as a youtube downloader that works on many sites.
- Pillager - macOS Video Downloader written in Swift and Objective-C
- udemy-downloader-gui - desktop application for downloading Udemy Courses.
- Youtube Downloader - macOS app to download Youtube videos.
- YouTube Downloader for macOS - Simple menu bar app to download YouTube movies on your Mac. I wrote this as a test project to learn more about app development on macOS.
- JSON-Splora - GUI for editing, visualizing, and manipulating JSON data.
- MacDown - Open source Markdown editor for macOS.
- Mark Text - Realtime preview markdown editor for macOS Windows and Linux.
- Twig - A modern MacOS markdown editor.
- Qilin Editor - Text editor for exact sciences with built-in KaTeX/AsciiMath support.
- CotEditor - Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for macOS.
- MacVim - Text editor for macOS.
- Noto - Plain text editor for macOS with customizable themes.
- TextMate - TextMate is a graphical text editor for macOS.
- VimR - Refined Neovim experience for macOS.
- BetterPiP - macOS application that enables the use of native picture-in-picture with browsers such as Google Chrome for HTML5 videos.
- PiPifier - PiPifier is a native macOS 10.12 Safari extension that lets you use every HTML5 video in Picture in Picture mode.
- PiPTool - Add the Picture-in-Picture Functionality to YouTube, Netflix, Plex and other video broadcasting services in macOS.
- Clipy - Clipy is a Clipboard extension app for macOS.
- Finder Go - macOS app and Finder Sync Extension to open Terminal, iTerm, Hyper from Finder.
- OpenInCode - Finder toolbar app to open current folder in Visual Studio Code.
- Battle for Wesnoth - Turn-based tactical strategy game, featuring both single-player and online multiplayer combat.
- Boxer - The DOS game emulator that’s fit for your Mac.
- Dolphin - Powerful, Open Source emulator for Nintendo GameCube and Wii games.
- OpenEmu - Retro video game emulation for macOS.
- OpenRCT2 - Open source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2.
- Screentendo - Turn your screen into a playable level of Mario.
- Stockfish - Beautiful, powerful chess application.
- Aseprite - Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool (Windows, macOS, Linux).
- CaptuocrToy - Tool to capture screenshot and recognize text by online ocr apis.
- GifCapture - Gif capture app for macOS.
- Gifcurry - Open source video to GIF maker with a graphical interface capable of cropping, adding text, seeking, and trimming.
- Gifski - Convert videos to high-quality GIFs.
- InfiniteCanvas - Proof of concept Mac drawing application.
- Inkscape - Inkscape is professional quality vector graphics software.
- macSVG - Open source macOS app for designing HTML5 SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) art and animation with a WebKit web view.
- Material Colors Native - Choose your Material colours and copy the hex code.
- Pencil2D Animation - Pencil2D is an animation/drawing software for macOS, Windows, and Linux. It lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics. Pencil2D is free and open source.
- ScreenToLayers for macOS - ScreenToLayers is a macOS application to easily capture your screen as a layered PSD file.
- Sketch Toolbox - Plugin manager for Sketch.app.
- Atom - The hackable text editor.
- Oni - Oni is a modern take on modal editing - code editor focused on developer productivity - powered by Neovim
- Visual Studio Code - Code editor developed by Microsoft.
- ZeroBraneStudio - ZeroBrane Studio is a lightweight cross-platform Lua IDE with code completion, syntax highlighting, remote debugger, code analyzer, live coding, and debugging support for various Lua engines.
- APNGb - macOS app which assembles and disassembles animated png files.
- Crunch - Insane(ly slow but wicked good) PNG image optimization.
- Freehand - macOS Status Bar App for quick sketch.
- Gimp - Gimp is GNU Image Manipulation Program.
- ImageAlpha - Mac GUI for pngquant, pngnq and posterizer.
- Imagine - Imagine is a desktop app for compression of PNG and JPEG, with a modern and friendly UI.
- Katana - Katana is a simple, open source screenshot utility for macOS that lives in your menubar.
- PhotoMiner - macOS app for finding and lost forgotten photos on your disks.
- Screenbar - macOS menubar app for automating screenshots.
- WebPonize - WebPonize is a macOS App for converting PNG, JPEG, animated (or not) GIF images into WebP.
- AnnePro-mac - macOS application for controlling AnnePro keyboard over bluetooth.
- Fluor - Handy tool for macOS allowing you to switch Fn keys' mode based on active application.
- Karabiner - Karabiner (KeyRemap4MacBook) is a powerful utility for keyboard customization.
- Karabiner-Elements - Karabiner-Elements is a powerful utility for keyboard customization on macOS Sierra (10.12) or later.
- Kawa - Better input source switcher for OS X.
- Thor - Switch the right application ASAP.
- Correo - Menubar/taskbar Gmail App for Windows and macOS.
- dejalu - Fast and Simple Email Client.
- Inboxer - Unofficial, free and open source Google Inbox Desktop App.
- gInbox - Wrapper for Inbox by Gmail.
- Nylas Mail - Open source, extensible mail client.
- Rambox - Free, Open Source and Cross Platform messaging and emailing app that combines common web applications into one.
- Airpass - Status bar Mac app to overcome time constrained WiFi networks.
- AnyBar - macOS menubar status indicator.
- BitBar - Put the output from any script or program in your macOS Menu Bar.
- CloudyTabs - Simple menu bar application that lists your iCloud Tabs and Reading List.
- DatWeatherDoe - Simple menu bar weather app for macOS written in Swift.
- DisplayMenu - Simple (bare-bones) macOS menubar extra to apply display presets.
- gfxCardStatus - gfxCardStatus is an open source menu bar application that keeps track of which graphics card your unibody, dual-GPU MacBook Pro is using at any given time, and allows you to switch between them on demand.
- Menubar Brightness - macOS app to change the screen brightness on the menubar.
- MenuMeters - CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools for macOS.
- Night Shift Control - Night Shift Control is a simple macOS menubar app for controlling Night Shift. It's aim is to bring features from f.lux which are missing from Night Shift such as disabling Night Shift for certain apps.
- PSIBar - Quickly hacked up PSI OS X status bar app.
- SensibleSideButtons - Small menu bar utility that lets you use your third-party mouse's side buttons for navigation across a variety of apps.
- Shifty - macOS menu bar app that gives you more control over Night Shift.
- Carol - A minimal and beautiful lyrics app that stays in the menu bar of macOS.
- ChordDetector - Tiny menu bar app that listens iTunes and Spotify to detect chords of songs!
- DeezPlayer - Deezer Desktop app for Windows, Linux and macOS.
- iTunes Graphs - macOS app to visualise your iTunes library as graphs.
- lyricsify - Simple Spotify lyrics viewer menu bar app for macOS in Swift.
- SoundCleod - SoundCloud for macOS and Windows.
- Spotify-Cli-Mac - Control Spotify without leaving your terminal.
🎶 - YouTube-Music - macOS wrapper for music.youtube.com.
- Diurna - Basic/Classic Hacker News app, used as a Cocoa & Swift learning platform.
- hacker-menu - Hacker News Delivered to Desktop.
- Vienna - Vienna is a free and open source RSS/Atom newsreader for macOS.
- Boostnote - Open source note-taking app made for programmers just like you.
- FromScratch - Little app that you can use as a quick note taking or todo app.
- FSNotes - Notes manager for macOS/iOS: modern notational velocity (nvALT) on steroids.
- joplin - Note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
- Jupyter Notebook Viewer - Notebook viewer for macOS.
- notable - Simple note taking application.
- Notes - Notes is a macOS application built to create notes, using text amongst other formats: images, videos, contacts, and etc.
- NoteTaker - Simple note taking app for macOS and iOS which uses Realm and CloudKit for syncing.
- Simplenote - Simplest way to keep notes.
- Standard Notes - Safe place for your notes, thoughts, and life's work.
- tmpNote - Very simple macOS app to make temporary notes.
- Tusk - Unofficial, open source, third-party, community driven, free Evernote app with a handful of useful features.
- Cakebrew - Manage your Homebrew formulas with style using Cakebrew.
- Gas Mask - Hosts file manager for OS X.
- Hosts - Cocoa GUI for /etc/hosts.
- ImageOptim - GUI image optimizer for Mac.
- Keyframes Player - Simple macOS app to preview animations created with Facebook's keyframes framework.
- Lepton - Democratizing Code Snippets Management (macOS/Win/Linux).
- macGist - Simple app to send pasteboard items to GitHub's Gist.
- Platypus - Mac developer tool that creates application bundles from command line scripts.
- QorumLogs - Swift Logging Utility for Xcode & Google Docs.
- React Native Debugger - Desktop app for inspecting your React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows.
- Reactotron - Desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows.
- RktMachine - Menu bar macOS app for running rkt in a macOS hypervisor CoreOS VM.
- Ruby.app - macOS app that contains a full Ruby installation (for use with Ruby/Gosu).
- Shuttle - Simple SSH shortcut menu for macOS.
- SwiftyBeaver - Convenient logging during development & release in Swift.
- syncthing-macosx - Frugal native Mac OS X Syncthing application bundle.
- Unused - Mac app for checking Xcode projects for unused resources.
- Vagrant Manager - Manage your vagrant machines in one place with Vagrant Manager for macOS.
- Cumulonimbus - Simple, beautiful podcast app.
- mkchromecast - Cast macOS and Linux Audio/Video to your Google Cast and Sonos Devices.
- Podlive for macOS - macOS client to listen to live streaming podcasts (only). It currently supports all livestreams broadcasting via Ultraschall with Studio Link On Air.
- Ao - Elegant Microsoft To-Do desktop app.
- Cerebro - Cross-platform launcher app.
- ClipMenu - Clipboard manager for macOS.
- Clocker - macOS app to plan and organize through timezones.
- ControlPlane - Automate running tasks based on where you are or what you do.
- Flycut - Clean and simple clipboard manager for developers.
- KeyHolder - Record shortcuts in macOS, like Alfred.app.
- Kiwix - Kiwix for iOS and macOS, build on Swift.
- Linked Ideas - macOS application to write down and connect ideas.
- Maccy - Lightweight search-as-you-type clipboard manager.
- macOrganizer - macOS app for organizing files or removing unnecessary files.
- Manta - Flexible invoicing desktop app with beautiful & customizable templates.
- Paperless Desktop - Desktop app that uses the paperless API to manage your document scans.
- PDF Archiver - Nice tool for tagging and archiving tasks.
- Quicksilver - Quicksilver is a fast and free macOS productivity application that gives you the power to control your Mac quickly and elegantly.
- Quickwords - Write anything in a matter of seconds. Create snippets that can substitute text, execute tedious tasks and more.
- SelfControl - macOS app to block your own access to distracting websites etc for a predetermined period of time. It can not be undone by the app or by a restart – you must wait for the timer to run out.
- status-bar-todo - Simple macOS app to keep TODO-list in status bar.
- stretchly - Cross-platform electron app that reminds you to take breaks when working with computer.
- Timer - Simple Timer app for Mac.
- Toggl Desktop - Toggl Desktop app for Windows, Mac and Linux.
- TrelloApp - Unofficial wrapper application for Trello.com written in Swift. This is almost a "Hello World" for a site specific browser.
- Whale - Unofficial Trello app.
- Yomu - Manga reader app for macOS.
- Aerial - Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for macOS.
- Image-As-Wallpaper - Utility application helps with selection of images for using as desktop wallpaper or in screensaver on Mac computers.
- Irvue - Screensaver for macOS.
- MusaicFM - iTunes Screensaver Clone for Spotify and Last.fm
- The GitHub Matrix Screensaver - The GitHub Matrix Screensaver for macOS.
- LuLu - LuLu is the free open source macOS firewall that aims to block unauthorized (outgoing) network traffic.
- stronghold - Easily configure macOS security settings from the terminal.
Sharing Files
- Deluge - lightweight, Free Software, cross-platform BitTorrent client.
- mac2imgur - Simple Mac app designed to make uploading images and screenshots to Imgur quick and effortless.
- qBittorrent - BitTorrent client in Qt.
- Rhea - macOS status bar app for quickly sharing files and URLs.
- Transmission - Official Transmission BitTorrent client repository.
- Tribler - Privacy enhanced BitTorrent client with P2P content discovery.
Social Networking
- appear.in - Unofficial appear.in app.
- Caprine - Elegant Facebook Messenger desktop app.
- Goofy - Unofficial Facebook Messenger client.
- Leviathan - Leviathan is a iOS and macOS client application for the Mastodon social network.
- Quail - Unofficial esa app.
- Ramme - Unofficial Instagram Desktop App.
- Simpo - macOS menubar app to post status quickly.
- Galeri - Perpetual artwork streaming app.
- Apple Juice - Advanced battery gauge for macOS.
- AppPolice - App for macOS with a minimalistic UI which lets you quickly throttle down the CPU usage of any running process.
- Clean-Me - Small macOS app that acts as a system cleaner (logs, cache, ...).
- Diagnostics - Diagnostics is an application displaying the diagnostic reports from applications on macOS.
- DisableMonitor - Easily disable or enable a monitor on your Mac.
- EtreCheck - EtreCheck is an easy-to-use macOS app to display important details of your system configuration and allow you to copy that information to the Clipboard.
- Fanny - Monitor your Mac's fan speed and CPU temperature from your Notification Center.
- Juice - Make your battery information a bit more interesting.
- KeepingYouAwake - Prevents your Mac from going to sleep.
- Latest - Small utility app for macOS that makes sure you know about all the latest updates to the apps you use.
- Loading - Simple network activity monitor for OS X.
- Overkill - Stop iTunes from opening when you connect your iPhone.
- ProfileCreator - macOS Application to create standard or customized configuration profiles.
- Sloth - Sloth is an OS X application that displays a list of all open files and sockets in use by all running applications on your system.
- Turbo Boost Switcher - Turbo Boost Switcher is a little application for Mac computers that allows to enable and/or disable the Turbo Boost feature.
- VerticalBar - macOS application to add a vertical bar to Dock.
- Alacritty - Cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator.
- Console - macOS console application.
- Hyper - Terminal built on web technologies.
- iTerm 2 - Terminal emulator for macOS that does amazing things.
- Kitty - Cross-platform, fast, feature full, GPU based terminal emulator.
- OpenTerminal - App for macOS that opens a new Finder window and changes the current directory to the folder launched by the app.
- Android tool for Mac - One-click screenshots, video recordings, app installation for iOS and Android
- Archive Mounter - Mounts archives like disk images
- BeardedSpice - Control web based media players with the media keys found on Mac keyboards.
- Buttercup Desktop - Free, open-source and secure password manager for mac and other platforms.
- Catch - Catch: Broadcatching made easy.
- CornerCal - Simple, clean calendar and clock app for macOS.
- Crypter - Crypter is an innovative, convenient and secure cross-platform crypto app that simplifies secure password generation and management by requiring you to only remember one bit, the MasterPass.
- ECheck - Small tool to validate epub files for macOS.
- iOScanX - Cocoa application for semi-automated iOS app analysis and evaluation.
- Kap - Open source screen recorder built with web technology.
- KeePassXC - Cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application "Keepass Password Safe"
- KeeWeb - Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass.
- Life-Calendar - Life Calendar.
- Lunar - Intelligent adaptive brightness for your external displays.
- MacPass - Native OS X KeePass client.
- Maria - macOS native app/widget for aria2 download tool.
- Meme Maker - Meme Maker open source macOS app made in Swift.
- Monolingual - Remove unnecessary language resources from macOS
- Mos - Smooth your mouse's scrolling and reverse the mouse scroll direction
- Noti - Receive Android notifications on your mac (with PushBullet).
- PB for Desktop - Receive native push notifications on macOS, Windows and Linux.
- PercentCalculator - A menu bar application that calculates parcents.
- ScreenCat - ScreenCat is an open source screen sharing + remote collaboration application.
- SlowQuitApps - Add a global delay to Command-Q to stop accidental app quits.
- Telephone - SIP softphone for Mac.
- The Blockstack Browser - Blockstack is an internet for decentralized apps where users own their data. The Blockstack Browser allows you to explore the Blockstack internet.
- The Unarchiver - The Unarchiver is an Objective-C application for uncompressing archive files.
- ToTheTop - Small macOS application to help you scroll to the top.
- Übersicht - Keep an eye on what's happening on your machine and in the world.
VPN & Proxy
- rvc-mac - Ribose VPN Client macOS Menu App.
- ShadowsocksX-NG - Next Generation of ShadowsocksX.
- Specht - Rule-based proxy app built with Network Extension for macOS.
- SpechtLite - Rule-based proxy app for macOS.
- Tunnelblick - Tunnelblick is a free, open source graphic user interface for OpenVPN on OS X.
- Acid.Cam.v2.OSX - Acid Cam v2 for macOS distorts video to create art.
- AppleEvents - Unofficial Apple Events app for macOS.
- Datamosh - Datamosh your videos on macOS.
- Face Data - macOS application used to auto-annotate landmarks from a video.
- Gifted - Turn any short video into an animated GIF quickly and easily.
- HandBrake - HandBrake is an open source video transcoder available for Linux, Mac, and Windows.
- MenuTube - Catch YouTube into your macOS menu bar!
- QuickLook Video - This package allows macOS Finder to display thumbnails, static QuickLook previews, cover art and metadata for most types of video files.
- Subler - Subler is an macOS app created to mux and tag mp4 files.
- Vid Quiz Creator - macOS application to insert quizzes within video playback and play those videos to receiving devices using the LISNR API.
- WebTorrent Desktop - Streaming torrent app. For Mac, Windows, and Linux.
- Yoda - Nifty osx application which enables you to browse and download videos from YouTube.
- IINA - Modern video player for macOS.
- MacMorpheus - 3D 180/360 video player for macOS for PSVR with head tracking.
- Movie Monad - Desktop video player built with Haskell that uses GStreamer and GTK+.
- MPlayerX - Media player on macOS.
- mpv - Video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2.
- Caption - Caption takes the effort out of finding and setting up the right subtitles.
- Sub-It - Small macOS application to download subtitles.
- Subtitlr - Subtitlr is an open source OS X app used to find and download subtitles easily.
- 500-mac-wallpaper - Simple macOS app for the status bar to automatically download photos from 500px.com to a local folder that can be set as a source of wallpapers.
- Artify - A macOS X application for bringing dedicatedly 18th century Arts to everyone
- ArtWall - ArtStation set as wallpapers from artwork.rss.
- BingPaper - Use Bing daily photo as your wallpaper on macOS.
- Desktop Wallpaper Switcher - Win / Linux / macOS tool for managing and cycling desktop wallpapers.
- earth-wallpapers - Simple macOS menubar app which fetches latest photos from a subreddit.
- pyDailyChanger - pyDailyChanger is a program that changes your wallpaper daily.
- Muzei - Muzei wallpaper app for macOS.
- Satellite Eyes - macOS app to automatically set your desktop wallpaper to the satellite view overhead.
- Sunscreen - Sunscreen is a fun, lightweight application that changes your desktop wallpaper based on sunrise and sunset.
- WallpaperMenu - macOS menubar application that navigates through beautiful pictures on the web and set them up as your desktop image.
Window Management
- Amethyst - Automatic tiling window manager for macOS.
- AppGrid - Grid-based keyboard window manager for macOS.
- chunkwm - Tiling window manager for macOS that uses a plugin architecture.
- Hammerspoon - Staggeringly powerful OS X desktop automation with Lua.
- Phoenix - Lightweight macOS window and app manager scriptable with JavaScript.
- ShiftIt - Managing windows size and position.
- Slate - Window management application (replacement for Divvy/SizeUp/ShiftIt).
- Spectacle - Spectacle allows you to organize your windows without using a mouse.