Feed Readers / Free Software and web applications

This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers. ---from github/Kickball/awesome-selfhosted

  • CommaFeed - Google Reader inspired self-hosted RSS reader. (Source CodeApache-2.0 Java
  • Feedbin - Simple, fast and nice looking RSS reader. (Source CodeMIT Ruby
  • FeedHQ - FeedHQ is a web-based feed reader. (Source CodeBSD-3-Clause Python
  • FreshRSS - Self-hostable RSS feed aggregator. (DemoSource CodeMobile appAGPL-3.0 PHP
  • JARR - JARR (Just Another RSS Reader) is a web-based news aggregator and reader (fork of Newspipe). (DemoSource CodeAGPL-3.0 Python
  • Kriss Feed - Simple and smart (or stupid) feed reader. (DemoSource CodeCC0-1.0 PHP
  • Leed - Leed (for Light Feed) is a Free and minimalist RSS aggregator. (Source CodeAGPL-3.0 PHP
  • Leselys - Your very elegant RSS reader. AGPL-3.0 Python
  • Lite-Reader - Read your feeds on your own machine with a simple and lite application. (DemoBSD-3-Clause PHP
  • Moonmoon - simple feed agregator (planet like): it only aggregates feeds and spits them out in one single page. (Source CodeBSD-3-Clause PHP
  • Miniflux - Miniflux 2 is a minimalist and open source news reader, written in Go and PostgreSQL. (Source CodeApache-2.0 Go
  • NewsBlur - NewsBlur is a personal news reader that brings people together to talk about the world. A new sound of an old instrument. (Source CodeMIT Python
  • Newspipe - Newspipe is a web news aggregator and reader. (DemoSource CodeAGPL-3.0 Python
  • Nunux Reader - Simple, fast and reactive RSS reader. (Source CodeGPL-3.0 Nodejs
  • Reader-Self - Self-hosted rss reader (php / mysql or sqlite) - Google Reader alternative. (Source CodeGPL-3.0 PHP
  • RSS2EMail - Fetches RSS/Atom-feeds and pushes new Content to any email-receiver, supports OPML. (Source CodeGPL-2.0 Python
  • RSS Monster - RSS Monster is an easy to use web-based RSS aggregator and reader compatible with the Fever API, created as an alternative for Google Reader. MIT PHP
  • Screaming Liquid Tiger - Simple script to automatically generate valid RSS and Atom feeds from a list of media files in the same folder. MIT PHP
  • Selfoss - New multipurpose rss reader, live stream, mashup, aggregation web application. (Source CodeAGPL-3.0 PHP
  • Sismics Reader - Free and open source feeds reader, including all major Google Reader features. (DemoSource CodeGPL-2.0 Java
  • Stringer - Work-in-progress self-hosted, anti-social RSS reader. MIT Ruby
  • Temboz - Two-column feed reader emphasizing filtering capabilities to manage information overload. MIT Python
  • Tiny Tiny RSS - Open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator. (DemoGPL-3.0 PHP
    • gritttt-rss - More features for Tiny Tiny RSS. (Source CodeBSD-2-Clause Python
    • ttrss-mobile - Mobile webapp for Tiny Tiny RSS. AGPL-3.0 Javascript
    • ttrss-reader - Light and responsive client for TTRSS. GPL-2.0 Javascript
  • Winds  - Open source and beautiful RSS reader built using React/Redux/Sails/Node and Stream. It showcases personalized feeds powered by the Stream API. (DemoSource CodeBSD-3-Clause Nodejs