Money, Budgeting and Management / Free Software and web applications

This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers. ---from github/Kickball/awesome-selfhosted

  • Akaunting - Akaunting is a free, online and open source accounting software designed for small businesses and freelancers. (Source CodeGPL-3.0 PHP
  • BTCPay Server - A self-hosted Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies payment processor. (DemoSource CodeMIT C#
  • Benedetto - Bennedetto is a simple, turn-based budget management app. GPL-3.0 Python
  • Boodle - Simple accounting single-page application in Clojure and ClojureScript. EPL-1.0 Clojure
  • Budget App - Budget App is an open source personal budgeting application. Apache-2.0 Java
  • Dot Ledger - Web-based personal finance management tool. (DemoSource CodeApache-2.0 Ruby
  • Economizzer - An easy and secure system for you to manage your personal money and achieve your goals, and can be accessed by computer, tablet or smartphone. (DemoSource CodeMIT PHP
  • ExMoney - Self-hosted personal finance app. ISC Elixir
  • Firefly III - Firefly III is a modern financial manager. It helps you to keep track of your money and make budget forecasts. It supports credit cards, has an advanced rule engine and can import data from many banks. It's powered by Laravel and requires PHP7.2. (DemoSource CodeGPL-3.0 PHP
  • Galette - Galette is a membership management web application towards non profit organizations. (Source CodeGPL-3.0 PHP
  • GRR - Assets management and booking for small/medium companies. (Source CodeGPL-2.0 PHP
  • Hospital Run - Hospital Run is offline enabled hospital management software. (Source CodeDemoGPL-3.0 Nodejs
  • Inventaire - Collaborative resources mapper project, while yet only focused on exploring books mapping with wikidata and ISBNs. (Source CodeAGPL-3.0 Nodejs
  • Invoice Ninja - Powerful tool to invoice clients online. (DemoSource CodeAAL PHP
  • InvoicePlane - Manage quotes, invoices, payments and customers for your small business. (DemoSource CodeMITPHP
  • IHateMoney - Manage your shared expenses, easily. (DemoSource CodeBSD-3-Clause Python
  • Kresus - Open source personal finance manager. (DemoSource CodeMIT Nodejs
  • PartKeepr - PartKeepr is an electronic part inventory management software. It helps you to keep track of your available parts and assist you with re-ordering parts. (DemoSource CodeGPL-3.0 PHP
  • SilverStrike - Personal finance management made easy. (DemoSource CodeMIT Python/Django
  • StockazNG - Asset Management System. MIT Python