Communication systems / Free Software and web applications

This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers. ---from github/Kickball/awesome-selfhosted

Custom communication systems

  • Broid - Broid enables rich conversations on all messaging channels within a single schema integration using W3C standards. (DemoSource CodeAGPL-3.0 Nodejs
  • Centrifugo - Language-agnostic real-time messaging (Websocket or SockJS) server. (DemoMIT Go
  • Cherry - Tiny webchat server. GPL-2.0 Go
  • Freenet - Anonymously share files, browse and publish "freesites" (web sites accessible only through Freenet) and chat on forums. (Source CodeGPL-2.0 Java
  • Friends - P2P chat powered by the web. (Source CodeMIT Nodejs
  • GNUnet - Free software framework for decentralized, peer-to-peer networking. (Source CodeGPL-3.0 C
  • Gotify - Self-hosted notification server with Android and CLI clients, similar to PushBullet. (Source CodeClientsMIT Go
  • Hawkpost - HawkPost is a web app that lets you create unique links that you can share with a person that desires to send you important information but doesn't know how to encrypt it. The message is encrypted in their browser and sent to your email address. (Source CodeMIT Python
  • - WebRTC powered video conference, chat and collaborative editor. (Source CodeAGPL-3.0 Nodejs
  • Jitsi Meet - Jitsi Meet is an OpenSource (MIT) WebRTC Javascript application that uses Jitsi Videobridge to provide high quality, scalable video conferences. (Source CodeMIT Javascript
  • Jitsi Video Bridge - WebRTC compatible Selective Forwarding Unit (SFU) that allows for multiuser video communication. (Source CodeApache-2.0 Java
  • Kandan - Kandan is an Open Source Alternative to HipChat. (Source CodeAGPL-3.0 Ruby
  • KChat - PHP Based Live Chat Aplication. Apache-2.0 PHP
  • Lets-Chat - Self hosted chat suite written in Node. (Source CodeMIT Nodejs
  • Live Helper Chat - Live Support chat for your website. (Source CodeApache-2.0 PHP
  • Mattermost - Open-source, on-prem Slack-alternative. It can be integrated with Gitlab. (Source CodeAGPL-3.0/ApacheGo
  • MiAOU - Multi-room persistent chat server. (Source CodeMIT Nodejs
  • Mibew - Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application written in PHP and MySQL. It enables one-on-one chat assistance in real-time directly from your website. (DemoSource CodeApache-2.0 PHP
  • Mumble - Low-latency, high quality voice/text chat software. (Source CodeClientsBSD-3-Clause C++
  • Node-Chat - Not-so-basic open-source chat with admin features. MIT Nodejs
  • Rallly - Rallly is a free collaborative scheduling service. (Source CodeCC-BY-SA-4.0 Nodejs
  • RetroShare - Secured and decentralized communication system. Offers decentralized chat, forums, messaging, file transfer. (Source CodeGPL-2.0 С++
  • Jami - Free and universal communication platform which preserves the user's privacy and freedoms (formerly GNU Ring). (Source CodeGPL-3.0 C++
  • Rocket.Chat - Teamchat solution similar to or Slack. (Source CodeMIT Nodejs
  • Spectrum 2 - Spectrum 2 is an open source instant messaging transport. It allows users to chat together even when they are using different IM networks. (Source CodeGPL-3.0 C++
  • Spreed - WebRTC audio/video calls, conferencing server, and web client. (Source CodeAGPL-3.0 Go
  • Synapse - Server for Matrix, an open standard for decentralized persistent communication. (Source CodeApache-2.0Python
    • Matrix Console Web - Web client meant to be a showcase of Matrix capabilities, and reference implementation of the Matrix standard. (Source CodeApache-2.0 Javascript
    • RIOT - Glossy Matrix web client with an emphasis on performance and usability. (Source CodeApache-2.0Javascript
  • Syndie - Syndie is a libre system for operating distributed forums. CC0-1.0 Java
  • TextBelt  - Outgoing SMS API that uses carrier-specific gateways to deliver your text messages for free, and without ads. MIT Javascript
  • Tox - Distributed, secure messenger with audio and video chat capabilities. (Source CodeGPL-3.0 C
  • Tuber - Peer-to-peer video chat that works. (Source CodeMIT Javascript
  • ZeroNet  - Open, free, and uncensorable websites, using Bitcoin cryptography and BitTorrent network. (Source CodeGNU Python
  • Zulip - Zulip is a powerful, open source group chat application. (Source CodeApache/Other Python